Education Technology

Solution 12292: Performing Two Variable Statistics on the TI-30X IIS/B , TI-34 II Explorer Plus™ and TI-30XS MultiView™.

How do I perform two variable statistics on the TI-30X IIS/B, TI-34 II Explorer Plus and TI-30XS Multiview?

The following example will demonstrate how to perform two variable statistics on the TI-30X IIS/B, TI-34 II Explorer Plus and TI-30XS MultiView.

Data for this example:

x = {51,84,90,37,82}
y = {35,67,94,1,16}

Solve using the following procedure:

1) Press [2ND], [STAT], and then choose 2-VAR.
2) Press [DATA] and begin to enter the data as indicated.
To input a data point, type the value and press [ENTER]. Press the down arrow key to move on to the next data point. Data points alternate between x and y lists.
3) [STAT/VAR] displays the menu of variables with their current values.

Answers should be as follows (From left to right):

n = 5
x = 68.8
Sx = 23.3602226
sx = 20.89401828
y = 42.6
Sy = 37.85894874
sy = 33.86207318
Sx = 344
Sx2 = 25850
Sy = 213
Sy2 = 14807
Sxy = 17222
a = 1.176287337
b = -38.32856881
r = 0.725808163

4) Press [2ND] and [EXIT STAT], then select Y and press [ENTER] to exit STAT mode.

Please see the TI-30X IIS/B, TI-34 II Explorer and TI-30XS MultiView guidebooks for additional information.